TCL '25 Day of Instructions

You've secured your Tonight's Conversation LIVE tickets and Here's everything you need to know about the upcoming event in your city!
Dates, Times & Locations: HERE
Date, Times and Locations (though unlikely) are subject to change. Please check the link above 24 hours before your event starts.
You can find your tickets by searching "Your Ace Metaphor Productions LLC order has shipped!" in your inbox. 
General Admission:
  • Arrive by 7:00pm SHARP
    • Remember your tickets are first come, first served
  • Arrive with your tickets READY to be scanned
  • Arrive with the party you want to be seated with
    • You can NOT pick your own seats nor save them
  • Late attendees can be subject to standing room only
  • Anyone not in the room by 8:00 will be respectfully held by our staff until the next podcast segment begins! 
  • This ticket level does NOT come with picture access
VIP Admission:
  • Arrive and be ready to be scanned in by 6:00PM SHARP 
    (If you want pictures with the cast) 
  • This will be the only opportunity to grab your SELFIE picture with your favorite cast member.
    • Each cast member will have their own "selfie" line. Please go to your favorite cast member's line first then if time permits, your next favorite's line. 
    • Attendees who arrive on-time should expect to get 1-3 cast member selfies.
  • Selfie pictures only guaranteed from VIP who are in the performance area before 6:20pm
  • Do NOT wait in the GA line, come directly to the sign-in table.
  • Reminder: VIP seats are only held until 8:30pm
SUPER VIP Ticket Holders: 
  • Arrive and be ready to be scanned in by 5:45PM SHARP 
    (If you want pictures with the cast) 
    • if you wish to attend the meet and greet.
  • Group photos with cast will be taken from 5:45pm to 6:05pm ONLY 
  • Do NOT wait in the GA line, come directly to the sign-in table.
If you have a tickets to a 3pm show, please refer to emails that will be sent the week of the show.
Also, Tonight's Conversation Cards will be available for purchase at the show. 1 deck for $25, 3 decks for $50. You will never find the "3 for $50" deal online. So definitely be prepared to complete or start your collection. See all our decks HERE
Additionally, each cast mate will have merchandise.
Support of the tour merchandise is what makes these tours possible, so please plan on patronizing at least 2 of your favorite artist’s tables. 
Day of instruction changes: Here
Please check this link 24 hours before your event starts.
See you all there!